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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Buat Jus Tak Leceh Pon

Instead of drinking coffee or tea in the morning, why not you opt for fresh home made juices which is just take less than 2 minutes to make it. It's not leceh at me, I didn't spend any penny to prepare the juice. Anything that I could find in the fridge especially fruit that is almost near to its expiry date will be in the blender.

I love bananas.. and the smell of strawberry is too irresistible :)

Blend with a spoon of sugar will taste really good and refreshing.

Other option:
pear (peeled)+cold water+sugar= Ohsem Pear Juice
manggo+milk+sugar+ tsp vanilla essence= Slurppy Manggo Lassi


Mijoe said...


pisang + strawberry. Nanti la nak buat eksperimen bila free dan bahan2 available... :)

Mrs.NZ said...


sila2..mudah je kan.

Madam Sooyaree said...

Eh, I pun suka buah pisang + strawberi. Especially bila pisang dah nak naik lebam. Another one I like is avocado + honey, nyum!!!

Mrs.NZ said...

madam Sooyaree,

wow avocado+honey must be good.tak pernah cuba lagi.

Fatt said...

mek, jgn smpai terpakai blender yg baru giling cabai sudah. nanti terus kena cerryberry. anyway, good tips! tp klu dpt buh skit plain yogurt mesti lagi tasty kan? :)

Mrs.NZ said...

fatt, nak citer.dulu2 takde lagi blender utk buah.pastu teringin takkan terus nak gagah nak beli kan.aku basuh bersih2 sabun byk2 sampai wangi then blend buah.ok je.

moral of the story: jangan jadikan alasan anda tiada fruit mixer untuk minum jus di rumah.hehe. Kalau nak apa pon boley.

betul2,plain yoghurt pun bagus gak.nanti jd lassi juices.

Miss Anna said...

heheh, ni memang bagus, but I still tersettle for coffee jugak in the morning hehe!! x bole resist coffee la huhu..

Mrs.NZ said...

sometimes saya cuma minum bila ada guest je sbb diorang request nak cofee/tea.kalau sorg2 sy either hot choc la kalau takde jus.tapi coffee mmg ketagih kalau dh minum hari ni esok misti nak gak.adoii