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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Rioting For What?

Just thought to spread the words to all Malaysian who reside at UK.


Assalamualaikum/Salam Sejahtera,

Buat semua Pelajar & Komuniti Masyarakat Malaysia,

Pihak Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia khususnya Education Malaysia UK amat memerlukan bantuan tuan/puan/saudara/saudari untuk menyalurkan maklumat terkini mengenai sebarang kejadian rusuhan atau ketidaktenteraman awam dikawasan sekitar tuan/puan/saudara/saudari dari masa ke semasa.

Maklumat boleh disalurkan kepada saya menerusi:


Telefon (pejabat) : 020 7985 1256

Telefon (Mobile) : 07 553 740 492 (text atau panggilan)

Tujuan utama adalah pemantauan keadaan sekitar dan koordinasi kerja/bantuan kepada pelajar atau ahli komuniti Malaysia di UK yang terjejas dan membahayakan keselamatan ekoran kejadian rusuhan dan sebagainya pada waktu ini.

Mohon jasa baik juga dipanjangkan hebahan ini kepada pelajar/komuniti yang lain dengan meletakkan di wall FB/Blog/Twitter/Laman web masing-masing.

Sekian, terima kasih.


b.p Education Malaysia UK & Eire

** di ambil dari page rakan muka united kingdom. mohon panjang2 kan **

A video of a riot victim in London. He's Malaysian, a student of Kaplan College, has been attacked and mugged while still in bleeding.

click here to read more

Alhamdulillah, when reading this and watching news on telly, I feel very grateful that I am living in Stafford, not a big city like central London, or Birmingham. Mungkin sebab town Stafford dimonopoli oleh kaum mat saleh dan foreigners (Muslim) tak ramai. Tak tau kenapa mesti kaitkan dengan Islam, sedangkan rakyat dia yang tak nak kerja, even kalau ada pun, macamlah ramai yang nak kerja as a cleaner atau carer. Kerja-kerja macam tu foreign students jugak yang buat.

I don't say all of them, but most of them who refuse to work are prefer to live under benefits. I don't understand why those scums pointing the issue to foreigners, especially after the incident of Ashraf Haziq. Aren't they understand that we, as foreigners of non-European who are pursuing studies in UK have to pay double for study fees? Aren't they realize that we, as foreigners of non-European who are working in UK have to pay the tax almost half of what we earned? Yet, we of non-European look always been discriminated even we can talk fluently much better than those with European look you-know-who from. In fact, they don't need visa to stay, plus they could apply for benefits as well, couldn't they? So why must you give all the crap to us, while we're paying out the tax for your very own benefits? I just don't understand......

They claim less jobs, well.. I look around at my workplace today and found nobody except me who from Asia. I walked to the cafeteria and found out there was an old Indian lady, and she is a cleaner. I wandering around the factory and met some foreigners, Asian and Europe..yes they are working there.. as the high-skilled workers a.k.a engineers and etc. My point is, if you want their job, either you willing to be a cleaner or study hard and get the damn bachelor in university, then you can apply for whatever job you want. Got it?

Honestly, I just don't understand. Let's just pray that everything will be fine here. I love my friends over here. They are really nice to me, and even they don't understand either.. sigh.....

* Benefits ialah duit yang diberi setiap bulan oleh kerajaan Britain kepada mereka yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan, mempunyai anak tetapi unemployed, dan disabled.


mommaholicSURI said...

darling, what happened are just too much. Mengambil kesempatan!! what a shame!! Sedih tengok apa dah jadi kat sana (I'm watching CNN now).

I truly hope that all our Malaysians there are under a good shelter, being far away from any hazardous and cruelty. Moga Ashraf Haziq cepat baik. It must have been the scariest nightmare to him. And, semoga all this craziness cepat-cepatlah pulih. Amin.

Mrs.NZ said...

kak nurill,

memang at this moment,terasa jauh lebih beruntung stay kat negara sendiri.but what to do..kita dah mmg stay sini,telan jelah.habis visa mmg nak balik pon.huh!

thanks for the pray,semoga ekonomi di UK pun bertambah baik sbb tak sukalah gado2 camni.Dahlah nak Olympic..stupid rioters buat org takut nak holiday/study they expect the economy will grow?

Fatt said...

benda ni bkn jadi kat UK aje..kat NZ ni pun sama. those Kiwi (refer to local ppl) pun pemalas sbb dorg dpt bantuan kjaan. i tell u the amount is not nape dorg nak keja? lepak2 jedah ka-ching!! kalau dia keja pun mebi sbb dia nak beli something, tp pas dapat dorg benti. and dorang benti/keja as they like..dorg tak kisah pun sbb dorg tau, kalau dorg vs. outsider mintak keja...senang2 je dorg dpt. tapi tulah...bila dah 1-2 minggu keja, bosan, tak suka...poooofff!! dia harem.

klu ko dtg NZ ko akan notice ramai gila Asian kerja...klu ada omputih tu cer ko tanya...kompem bkn local..mesti bebudak whv (working holiday) sbb dorg ada visa. jarang gila nak jumpa local. ada tu mmg ada, tp tak ramai.

apapun, hope u'll be safe

Unknown said...

Those scums are stupid low-life. Tau nak ambik kesempatan, tau nak tunjuk perasaan but seriously, they all should just rot in jail. Salah britain punya rules jugak. Ada polis pon, they can't do much other than arresting...aish.

Sedih sangat tengok video Ashraf Haziq tu. Moga dia tabah & cepat sembuh...

Lucky kita kan duduk kat tempat2 kecik ni. huhu.

Tukang Campak said...

Ninie, k.zie bukak blog sbb nk tnya psl the riot tu and u already uploaded an entry about that.

Be safe dear, duk diam2 kat situ ye (and cook :P), now look at that and compare how civilised malaysian are even when provoked, none rioted or caused a damage to businesses.

Mijoe said...

Salam Ninie

semoga korang berdua dan all Malaysians in UK selamat sejahtera selalu. Amin.

Get well ASAP to Asyraf!

ayu said...

ninie..glad u r safe in stafford.. yes, setuju sgt wif what u said.. only the lazy ones yg claim benefits tu je yg suka wat masalah.. yobs.. huhh!! padahal foreigners yg tlg improvekan economy diorg kan..sgt x sedar diri.. saje je nak cari pasal & blame org lain..sgt geram & risau pasal u guys over there.. hmm.. do b xtra careful & take care ok? glad u r keeping us up-to-date wif ur the news there..*hugs*

Nadine said...

Bila tgk news and watch the video terbayang kawan2 yg study kan UK. Risau sangat. I doakan semua rakyat Malaysia kat UK dibawah lindungan Illahi. Even you live far from the riot, I hope u take care of yourself too dear..

Mrs.NZ said...


yeke?samalah ek?masalah kat sini dah makin meruncing.sbb tu teenagers tak kisah ada babies time tgh skolah pon.sanggup berenti.tade hal gov support je.skolah tah kemana then end up ngan tak puas ati kt foreigners..


setuju sgt,polis kita time reformasi boleh je sembur2 gas pemedih mata.polis sini takat pegang shield than arrest.pastu leh tgk je rioters bakar keta lah,pecah kedai.gile ape..tau kan kat penjara sini pun prisoners boleh main game?hukuman gantung mmg takde lah kat sini.

mmg tak patut david cameron menang aritu,masa gordon brown takde lah seteruk ni.

Mrs.NZ said...

kak zie,

mmg ramai bloggers & kwn2 kt UK dah update psl ni.Alhamdulillah hari ni dah reda sikit (dah takde berlaku lagi).Kitorg pun kalau malas delivery take-away je.takde nak kuar rumah. :p

rakyat malaysia sgt sopan walau reformasi.walau kadar inflasi semakin naik di msia(cakap dgn org bank negara,kenalah pakai bahasa ekonomi lol),dan harga belanja dapur lebih murah,tapi tetap cakap gov sini mmg lemau..their economic growth remains weak.sigh..

Mrs.NZ said...


tima kasih kerana mendoakan kami di UK.Insyallah things will be okay pretty soon.


I think everyone of us must have experience with the yobos..I just had one today,while walking to zaid's factory (supposed to meet him there) & that lads were in their car.I could hear them pretending to spit (mcm nak ludah kahak),tp seb baik buat2 je..stupid fellas!

don't worry kitorg ok,stafford is safe & sound so far.alhamdulillah.

Mrs.NZ said...


thanks,yup we will always be more careful now,even weekend dok umah je. :)

semoga kejadian begini tak jadi kat malaysia.malaysia tanah tumpah sgt aman!