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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Leave the throw..Here the snow!

Finally the snow has fallen and this morning everything looks beautiful and white. Last night the temperature has dropped to minus 3 and because of that, I snuggled up Fahim with 3 layers together wth his fleece sleepsuit. Alhamdulillah, he didn't wake up in the middle of the night. Recently, he tends to wake up around 2am. Maybe because of teething. Oh yes, Fahim has 3 front teeth (2 bottom and 1 on top) and another one is just about to erupt (top). And he's already started brushing his teeth twice a day. Tau je buka mulut.. :)

Fahim has become a fussy eater nowadays. Not to the taste, but to the texture. I must make sure the food is a bit chewy but soft in the mouth and never..never..ever..prepare his meal without finger food. Yes,he needs something to pick up and hold while I scoop and feed him porridge or rice. Sangat mencabar okeh otak mommy nak carik finger food recipe. Mini pizza lah, meatball la, toast la, steamed vegie la. Creative is my new friend. Lol..

~mini pizza..kadang mak dia pun tumpang sekaki ;)

On last Friday, three of us had a wonderful time playing with the snow as if this is our last snow in UK. Oh maybe? Who knows? :) Jadi marilah main sepuas-puas hati sebab main salji di belakang rumah adalah percuma ye tuan2 puan2..kahkah! Let's look at the pictures of us having fun together..

~woke up in the snowy morning.

~view from my bedroom window. On the right is Zaid's workplace.

~Fahim's first time touching snow

~and his first time laying on snow

~Yamtuan besar Fahim Zidane.

~love these mother-son pictures, a wonderful moments captured ;)


ahkakbatik said...

tebalnya snow... sib baik tmpt kaktek dpt sikit.. kalau tak dpt langsung mau ku juih2 molot blakang2 dengki nengok2 gambar2 mu.... ngehngehngeh.

Mijoe said...

salam di sane!!! :p

akhirnye...gambar yg ditunggu2 telah pun muncul. (Gambar Fahim first experience dgn snow... jeles woo, uncle mijoe pun tak pernah jumpe snow tau!)


suke gambar '4 beranak' the most!! he he..

Mrs.NZ said...


oh sana tak lebat eh snow?sini baru turun snow last week dan harini ada sikit.mmg mak jakun lebih dari anak.kahkah!

p/s sile jgn jeles lebey2..saya lagi jeles ngan kaktek pi Las Vegas nun.juih bibir ni tau. :B

Mrs.NZ said...


hehe..mmg main sakan kitorg (err mak je kut yg sakan) lol..

Fahim mula2 siap menguap bila bawak keluar main snow. tp last2 dia gelak2 duduk sebelah snowman :)

p/s kalau ada rezeki uncle mijoe mai nanti mana tau turun snow.mcm masa hari Fahim lahir dulu snow turun sekejap sehari. :)

ramli said...

Stumbled upon this blog by chance. A good one and nice pics. Keep posting!

Mrs.NZ said...


thank you for dropping by,I went off to see your blog and coincidentally I've been brought up in Kulim too :)

Mrs.NZ said...

W. Hidney,

coat baldu ke?hihi..samalah boot kita pun tak snow friendly. :)

Tukang Campak said...

Ninie, sgt comel fahim baring kat snow, sejibik mcm citer katun yg salu tnjuk budak2 baring atas snow & move their hands & legs pastu ada shape kat snow...suker suker. The last 2 pix tu mmg best.

*hmm kena g korea cpt2..nak g Yurop bajet mcm lmbt lg nk ckup*

Mrs.NZ said...

Kak Zie,

Tak dan buat snow angel (yang baring pastu ada shape kt snow tu). Tangan daku hampir beku buat snowman katik.
The last 2 pix tu akan buat mummy rindu bila budak ni dah besaq sok.*mood tacing.

p/s cecehh..winter sonata la nanti ye.bila nak pegi tu?