Salam.. I have to write a quick update about the moving after hubby warned me that it might takes some time to activate our internet connection in Bradford. We sold and donate few unwanted items such as fridge freezer (because our landlord has provided a new one), iron, shoes, dinnerware, clothes and baby stuff and toys. Starting tomorrow our current internet connection will be deactivated. Therefore, I'm not able to update anything on the blog until we have one later. Takpe, facebook and instagram ada.. :)
We're also have successfully bought 2 stairgates for Fahim's safety. We went to Kiddicare at Dudley today and really looking forward to try them in our new home. Hope it fits well. Wait for the cool photo of him standing next to the stairgate.. ;)
Oh yes..I almost forget to show you this..
It happened on Wednesday evening when Simone came to have dinner at mine. Zaid was in Leeds for the whole weekdays. Fahim looked so happy on that day, he even wanted to play and sat next to her. I think he's missing his daddy.
~thanks for the beautiful flowers sweetie. Love it!
Another friend came to have a 'goodbye cuppa' on Friday was Dalina. Thanks for the gift for my cheeky monkey. :) Sedih betul tak de gamba padahal last weekend kitorang lunch kat umah dia. Dan buat semua kawan-kawan Stafford-Stoke..don't forget to call us when you do raya makan2 okey! Tak panggil siaappp...! Haha!
So tomorrow morning the man from removal company will come and do all the packing and on Monday morning we'll be leaving from Stafford to our new home in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Hope everything will be fine. Amin..
notatakberapakontot: bukak kotak dan mengemas di hari kejadian sendiri adalah pathetic,yu noee!
bye-bye ninie, cewah macam i kat stafford je. haha.
selamat berkemas. dalina mst sedh bff dia dah pindah. tak pernah tgk anak dia.
Selanat berpindah kak ninie, moga dipermudahkan semua urusan, amiin.. Makan banyak & healthy ek, banyak nak guna tenaga nanti tu.. Tqa yang bujang pindah sorang2 pun 3 mibggu baru habis penat, akak dengan family apatah lagi.. Selamat la ye semua :)
Ninie, have fun di tempat baru...
Thank you Eta. Sedih tau rasa nak tinggal Stafford lebih2 lagi Zaid sebab dah 8 tahun dia di situ.Ada sentimental value kekononnya..hihiks.
Aah..tulah.Semua pun rindu.Lagi rindu teringat kita dulu ramai2 buat makan2 kat rumah Amar/Fizal tu kan?Kecoh rumah.. :) Oh belum tengok lagi ke?Nanti ninie tag eta kat Insta.Kalau dia visit kitorang nanti ninie amik gamba byk2.
Thank you dear..awak kalau jalan2 sini meh singgah umah ye. Aah tulah dah sakit belakang dah ni ngemas.Phew! Selamat Hari Raya!
Kak Zie,
hello mak buyung kiut!
Thank tak habih kemas lagi.Awak bila nak hapdet citer baru?Blom habih mabuk lagi ke?
psst..nak order barang baby pm i k *kenyitmatasebelah
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