Hi dear readers.To write a recipe in my blog is something uneasy for me.It's not that i don't want to share, but because i don't want you to think that i'm going to brag about it. No..no..no. I'm still learning, and i just put my 2 cents in. :)
My friend, Mrs.Aan asked me how to do a fondant cake, but for me it is just how to transform an ordinary cake into a fondant cake. Heehee..
Ok,first and foremost,rajin-rajinkan diri to dig as much info as you can about making a fondant cake.I keep browsing on youtube and guess what?Just looking for a few videos i've been encouraged to do it. Here i give an inspiring video for you to watch.
Ok, next step, let's check what are the stuff that we need.For me, the best place to shop all the baking stuff is from the websites and online.You will need:
A buttercream icing,ini untuk spread atas kek dan lepas icing dah keras baru boleh cover kek dengan sugarpaste. Pic from google.
Sugarpaste. 500g sugarpaste is enough to cover a 7" round cake. If u wanna read about Cake Covering Guide just click here.
Buy different colour of sugarpaste and you can make decoration like flower,etc.
An apricot jam.It is to act as the glue to stick the sugarpaste onto your cake.
A mould to make some flowers. Pic from Cake Decorating Store.
Other than that, you'll need a rolling pin, spatula, and brush. So what i do, i just bake a Boston Cream Pie cake, check the recipe. Tapi i tak deco dengan glazed chocolate sebab i nak wat fondant cake kan. Bila kek dah sejuk, sapukan buttercream icing (or you can buy any icing) dan biarkan kek sejuk.I tak letak dalam fridge,tapi kalau kat Malaysia panas,nak cepat bolehlah chill dalam fridge lebih kurang sejam dua. Once the buttercream frosted, you can start roll the sugarpaste and make sure it is enough to cover the whole cake. Sila rujuk jadual Covering Guide di atas. Sebelum roll, tabur sikit icing sugar kat surface supaya sugarpaste tak melekat. Dah roll sugarpaste leper2 bolehla ambik brush, spread the apricot jam onto your cake. Then, you can cover the sugarpaste to the cake. Finally, roll another sugarpaste from different colour, contoh merah,dan tekap dengan mould corak bunga. Sapukan apricot jam pada bunga tu dan buatlah dekorasi yang anda sukai. Contohnya seperti ini:
gambar kek yang tak berapa kemas bukti saya budak baru belajar
Bolehlah hias dengan icing sendiri dengan piping bag. ;) Harap tips ini membantu. Try okey!
And,i hope my couzzie, Effa will be pleased after i'm posting this recipe. Sorry that you've waited so long. This recipe has been given by my SIL, and this is the result:
nyummy taww..got cheese inside.
Bahan A 180 gm. Butter 170 gm. Gula castor 3 biji telur 20 gm. cocoa powder - ayak 120 gm. self-raising flour - ayak 1 tsp. baking powder - ayak
Bahan B 250 gm. cream cheese 60 gm. gula castor 1 tsp. vanilla essence 1 biji telur
Cara Memasak
1. Pukul butter and gula sehingga kembang dan ringan. 2. Masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji. 3. Masukkan tepung, cocoa dan baking powder yang telah di ayak. Gaul rata. 4. Di sebuah bekas yang lain, pukul kesemua bahan B hingga kembang. 5. Tuang separuh bahagian adunan A ke dalam loyang berukuran 8" dan ratakan. 6. Kemudian tuangkan semua adunan bahan B. Ratakan permukaan loyang. 7. Tuangkan baki adunan A. 8. Bakar di oven 160 deg C - selama 60 mins ATAU boleh Kukus selama 45-60
mins (dengan api sederhana besar)
[Setelah masak tunggu hingga betul-betul sejuk sebelum dipotong dan hidang].
p/s Kek ni pun boleh decorate jadi fondant cake ;)
kena cari kat kedai jual brg2 baking lah..kak ninie tgk kt msia lg senang cari,tp time tu kt KL.tesco pun ada sbb kak ninie beli selain online kat tesco gak.
hadoiiii.... nmpk mcm susah plak itu fondant kek... tp sgt menarik. puan yg memberi ajaran jua memberi info yang bagus. nnt saya mau coba.
takla susah mana sebenarnya.mcm main playdough gitu.tp ko buat time aan ada la,kang si kecik hafiy tade org tgkkan.
hoh...suda asngat bersemangat mao buat ini kek!!! maklumla penganggur terhormat sekarang..hahahha
ngape dah tak keje cekgu sek sepet ke?so,dh bole cuba ye nanti.try deco ngn fondant skali.misti suami kamu kagum nanti ;)
bahan² fondant kak ninie tu agak payah mau carik disini.. sigh... try buat dlu kek nie.hee...:)
kena cari kat kedai jual brg2 baking lah..kak ninie tgk kt msia lg senang cari,tp time tu kt KL.tesco pun ada sbb kak ninie beli selain online kat tesco gak.
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