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Tuesday, 10 September 2013

2 Down..1 More To Go.

Assalamualaikum peeps..Phew! Hope I didn't leave cobwebs here..*grin*

Ok, short announcement. Alhamdulillah we (Zaid & I) have passed our PR exam (read:Permanent Residence). The exam that has taken most of our Syawal 'excitement' and half of our inner peace. 

Another half is still remain there -_-' ..or at least untill our PR application is successful. Oh my gucci,nervous mak!

Second good news, we have found our new home in Yorkshire land (again,praise to Allah). After couple of months searching, couple of times to-and-fro Stafford-Leeds (but had a pit stop at Al-Jazeera & Moonlight to buy nasik arab & cendol hehheh!) , our house-hunting expedition came to end. Mana tak macam expedition..naik turun hills area Huddersfield, masuk keluar ceruk village and farm dan macam zaman Braveheart dah panoramanya. I should have taken some photos but it was raining heavily, so I just captured with my eyes. 

So, whereabouts? Ahaa...!!! Surprise..surprise! Tunggu jelah next entry. Buat masa sekarang, tolong doakan our PR application and its process will be going smoothly as we will do it on this 20th September in the Home Office. *dupdapdupdap*

Oklah..kita bagi hint kitorang jalan-jalan kat city dia. Park dia besar dan santek...

~tgk Fahim dah tawaf dulu.

~yang penting, masjidnya dekat sangat. Massive halal food are available!


Form-filling + Stuff-sorting = rumah tunggang langganging (rhyme asal boleh).

Till we meet again..adiosa!


cocochaneta said...

Eta tau Kat mana, sbb kenal masjid tu..hehhe

Mijoe said...

all the best for the whole PR application process!!! Amin Amin Amin!

Fahim amik xm tak? :)

Nadine said...

ALhamdulillah, congrats Ninie! am happy for u.

So kalau ada rejeki kami ke sana, bolehla tumpang rumah baru u ek? hehehe..gurau je :)

Mrs.NZ said...


Cepat teka..hihi.Mesti dah sampai sini. Kitorg baru menjejakkan kaki.Haha!Masjid dia best tak?Haritu awal pagi xmasuk pon.

Mrs.NZ said...



Fahim pun pegi exam uncle mijoe,tapi dia duk dalam kete je. best kan jadi budak kecik? Hihiks..

Mrs.NZ said...

Uncle Mijoe,

oh lupa..fahim cakap tenkiuberymuch for the lovely card raya.Kim salam aunty malin dia. :)

ishamizu said...

Wah alhamdulillah..smg dipermudahkanNya, amin! Klu ada rezeki bley visit ninie n family kt Leeds pulak! ;)

Mrs.NZ said...


Ehh..jangan segan2 contact i kalau u datang sini tau.Meh singgah West Yorkshire k. (masih taknak reveal exact place,surprise konon :p)

Unknown said...


Auwww... so sweet dah dapat rumah kan. Haih turun Manchesta tak singgah umah kite pun. Kalau nak solat ke apa meh la sini. hehehe. Kat area mana tu? Aritu farah gi bradford singgah satu masjid jamia ni... dia tak kasi org pompuan solat. sedih tauu. so solat tepi tangga je lah.

Mrs.NZ said...


Alhamdulillah dah dpt. Singgah manchesta bila time nak malam je Farah. Sebab otw balik,harus la tapau al jazeera n cendoi tu.Selalunya singgah masjid manchester,bila zaid solat ninie suap Fahim mkn,so tak sempat nak roger2. Takpe..pasni Leeds-Manchester sejam kott!!! Nanti ai hello2 k. ;) Tq jemput,esok mai umah kita tau!

Mrs.NZ said...


InsyaAllah..meh2.Nanti meh jalan2 West Yorkshire dtg rumah kitorg eh. :)