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Friday, 21 February 2014

Fun in the kitchen. Nak?

Ohsem kan?? Ada mini fridge in red, mini burger maker, chocolate maker and chocolate fondue, hot dog maker, electric grill and many more.. All bright and cheerful colors gitu..sangat sesuai kalau nak buat birthday party, tea party, makan2 dengan family or even giving some fun touch in your kitchen. Me likey..

Brand Jocca ni from Spain, dan kitchen appliance yang tengah sale sekarang adalah from 'Funny Cooking' range, iaitu untuk memberi rasa teruja di dapur. Wah kelas kau jah! ni tak lama. Habis lagi 4 hari. Maka silalah order as soon as aku launch harga+shipping cost ya! Aku publish hari ni jugak di my BBB so go and check it out at !

P.s this brand is cheapest among my sale before. *winkwink*


Nadine said...

ALAAAAAAA...terlambat singgah blog ninie..tak sempat nak order! T_T

Mrs.NZ said...


Lahai..yeke? Dun worry i'll update more often after this if there's any sales. Or you can like my fb page kak nadia. It is UK Beli Belah Boutique. :)