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Wednesday, 5 February 2014

WW28- Ulu Yam Di Liverpool In Bradford :)

What: bought the UYDL book from the author himself, Bro (Dr.) Nazali who lives in Liverpool. Thank u for the signature. Such an inspiring book,indeed!


cocochaneta said...

bestkan buku dia. sgt inspired

Nadine said...

buku ni pasal ape eh ninie...

Mrs.NZ said...


Mmg best. Part mengimbau zaman kanak2 tu boleh buat air mata mengalir gitu. Eta dh baca jugak ke?

Mrs.NZ said...


Buku ni tentang impian seorang budak kampung untuk jejakkan kaki ke England. Jalan cerita dia keluar dari kepompong kehidupan sampai lah tahap di mana dia sekarang. The best thing about this book is how he writes the story in such motivational way. Now he lives in Liverpool with his family.

Mijoe said...

suke la tuh ada kena mengena dengan Liverpool tuh kan mommy! :p

cocochaneta said...

aah ade baca jugak, tu lah, pandai dia menulis kan.

Mrs.NZ said...


Haruslahhhh! Mijoe, haritu kitorg jumpa author ni Bro Naz and he asked what football team we support for...ada orang tu kan...gagap2 malu nak ngaku dia Man Utd fan tau! Hahaha!!! Maklumla kat situ sume sokong Liverpool.

Mrs.NZ said...

Eta, UYDL2 nak keluar. Dah boleh prebook katanya.